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Recruiting and Revenue Sharing
What's the PROBLEM?
It's no secret that most real estate agents loose their license within the first year of getting it. According to Tom Ferry (Know as the #1 Real Estate Coach in the world) the National Association of Realtors® reported that 87% of all new real agents fail leaving only 13% that make it.
Agents don’t leave the industry because they made too much money, no, they leave the industry because they didn’t make any and most never had the opportunity to do so.
For example, what is your monthly cost to run your household? According to www.bestplaces.net the average Income Per Cap in the state of Florida is $29,000/year. If you add the cost of running a real estate business of $8,000/year , the total of $37,000 a year is what you need to survive in the business. On average, a new agent will need 3 months of capitol before closing their first sale. That adds up to about $9,000. The average commission check is $8,000. Its no wonder 87% fail! Here's where you come in!
You're the SOLUTION!
When you become a RePros Recruiter, you are helping change that 87% that fail and turn them into WINNERS. It is our goal at RePros to hire every agent in the state of Florida that meets that criteria. We save newly licensed agents THOUSANDS of dollars by ACTIVATING their license and teaching them the ropes for a fraction of the cost of traditional Real Estate Brokerages. Not only do we help them get started, we also help those who help us with outstanding recruiter benefits.
Recruiters (REP's) receive all the tools necessary to help them recruit new Agents*
50 QR Coded Cards to hand out to potential recruits
1 Company Recruiter T-Shirt to bring the Agent to you
A password protected web landing page for agent sign up
Recruiters are paid $50.00/Agent recruited as well as revenue sharing**
*Recruiter Tools:
Recruiters may be required to pay a $50.00 Deposit to receive some of the products mentioned. Deposits will be returned in full upon 1 (one) successful recruit. A successful recruit is defined as a recruit whos Florida Real Estate license has been ACTIVATED by RePros and chosen one of our commission splits paying the initial joining fee. A deposit is NOT required to join RePros as a recruiter.
**Revenue Sharing:
Revenue sharing is when a licensed agent recruits another licensed agent for RePros. Our revenue sharing program is taken directly out of the Brokers share of the paid commission on any closed real estate deal. Currently a flat $150.00 AND 2% of the Brokers share of the commission will be paid to a recruiter that is Licensed Real Estate Agent. A Real estate license is NOT required to be a Recruiter for RePros but IS required for revenue sharing of any commission by law.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.